Welcome to
Holy Cross Abbey Whitland
Holy Cross Abbey is set on the side of a hill overlooking a broad valley with the Preseli Hills as a backdrop beyond. It is a place of peace and great natural beauty and provides a perfect environment for a monastic life of prayer and praise: a place of rest and refreshment for those who visit us. We are about 5 hours from London, 2 hours from Cardiff, by road or rail, but a million miles away if you compare the bustle of capital city with the gentle landscape of Pembrokeshire in West Wales.

Please Pray for Peace

Almighty father,
You are the Lord of history, and we place in your hands the distress of our times.
Do not allow war cries and threats to triumph,
but enlighten us that we may recognise the human family across the world as one family.
Welcome those who have died,
comfort those who mourn,
be with refugees and those driven from their homes,
heal the wounds of those injured in body and soul
and be close to all who seek to aid them.
Send your Holy Spirit over the earth,
the Spirit who defeats division,
who overcomes war.
Now, Lord, please come to our aid,
guide us into the way of peace, trusting always in
Your Word, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns for ever and ever,
Mass Times
Fr Liam Bradley Mass 9am
Sunday 16th February
Fr David Myers IC Mass 9am
*** Days not mentioned above
Eucharistic Service 8am
May God bless us all.
Weekly Thought
Yet there is an emptiness that is the work of God in my heart
and leads to a beatifying communion with him in “the world of Jesus.”
It is the teaching of St. John of the Cross that
union with God is often preceded by a desert experience of emptiness and doubt in prayer.
“The soul,” he writes, “must first be set in emptiness and poverty of spirit and
purged of every natural support, consolation, and apprehension, earthly and heavenly.”
Charles Cummings, O.C.S.O., Spirituality and the Desert Experience, Page 125