Please Pray For Sr Stephanie Eileen Mary Roberts OCSO
8 October 1931 – 6 September 2023
Sr Stephanie was the eldest of four children born to Douglas & Marjorie Roberts, and christened Eileen Mary Roberts; she was followed by Paul, Alexander, and Monica. They grew up in London and Eileen went to school in London then France and Italy. But to the shock of her family she chose to enter Stapehill when 19 years old, on 20th January 1951. She made her First Profession 2nd July 1953 and Solemn Profession 2nd July 1956, her name at this time was Sr Stephen. When she came to Whitland she changed her name to Sr Stephanie.
In her early years she was troubled with back pain with many months of treatment both in hospital and in the monastery, while on bed rest she started wood carving. During her years at Stapehill she helped in the Infirmary, garden, the ‘meat’ kitchen (Guest house kitchen) and decorated Poole Pottery for sale.
While the community at Stapehill was in the process of moving she went to Wrentham for 2 years before coming to Whitland in 1991.
Always a very practical and industrious person she helped Sr Jean set up the Altar bread production side of the industry undertaking baking and cutting. Then she was Sacristan, an excellent cook and seamstress. Very gifted with her hands and a creative thinker, she taught herself to use the internet. In 2008 needing to find ways of increasing our income, she started to make Rose Petal Jelly which sold very well; she also knitted and crocheted soft toys and made lip balm from our beeswax. To enhance our celebrations she made elderflower champagne (non-alcoholic).
As Sr Stephanie grew older arthritis threatened to curb her activities but fiercely independent she propelled herself around the monastery and garden with her walking frame determined to participate fully in community life and help with the work, she was regularly sorting altar breads.
Most of all Sr Stephanie had a profound relationship with her Lord, she was a deeply prayerful woman, who loved reading and took a personal interest in everyone she met. She had a great gift of friendship and love which stayed to the end. We have been supported by the love and prayers of Sr Steffie’s family, the Region of the Isles and her many, many friends.
On Easter Sunday 2022 she had her first brain bleed and returned home after 5 days in hospital reduced but eager to get going again. 21st November 2022 she sustained a massive brain bleed, followed by another 3 bleeds from April – June this year. On 1st March Sr Stephanie moved to Pembroke Haven Residential Home where she was loved and cared for beautifully until she died at 5.15am on Wednesday 6th September 2023 in the company of M. Jo & Sr Usia at her bedside and the community gathered together all praying the psalms as she went to the Lord. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. We commend her to your prayers, a much missed sister and friend.
Thank you
Abbess and Community of Holy Cross Abbey, Whitland 18*